You made my life so beautiful
Now I can’t just say it all
I am saved by Your grace
Ransomed just for Your glory
I’m the head and not the tail
Success, not a failure – Success, not a failure
I’m a living evidence oooh
When men say there’s a casting down
That’s when I’ll say there’s a lifting up
What my mouth says, my ear will hear
And my heart believes it
See I’m the first and not the last
And I’m a living evidence
I’m a living evidence oooh
I’m a proof of your love
Proof of Your grace
Proof of your power
I’m a living evidence
There’s no mountain too high
Or a valley down deep I cannot climb
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Go down the city – Go down the city
Telling everybody – Telling everybody
That Christ in me is the hope of my glory
I’m a proof of your love
Proof of Your grace
Proof of your power
I’m a living evidence
I’m a living evidence – Living evidence
Living evidence – Living evidence
Living evidence – Living evidence
Yes I am, yes I am – I’m a living evidence
I’m a living evidence – Living evidence
Everything is working well – Living evidence
I am a testimony – Living evidence
Yes I am, yes I am, yes I am – I’m a living evidence
I’m a living evidence – Living evidence
All around me is good – Living evidence
All I see is JESUS – Living evidence
Yes I am, yes I am – I’m a living evidence
I’m a living evidence – Living evidence
Li—ving Li–ving – Living evidence
Li–ving Li–ving – Living evidence
Hey! I am – I’m a living evidence
When men say there’s a casting down
That’s when I’ll say there’s a lifting up
It doesn’t matter what they say
I’m a living evidence – I’m a living evidence
When the tempest rises up
And the storms all encompass me
It doesn’t matter what it is
I’m a living evidence – I’m a living evidence
The name of the Lord is big and strong
The righteous runs in and they are saved
It doesn’t matter what it is
I’m a living evidence – I’m living evidence
I’m not moved by what I see
And I’m not moved by what I hear
I’m only moved by the word of God
And it says, and it says, and it says – I’m a living evidence
I’m not moved by what I see
I’m not moved by the word I hear
I’m only moved by the word of God
And it says, and it says – I’m a living evidence
I’m a proof of your love
Proof of Your grace
Proof of your power
I’m a living evidence
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